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Thursday, February 28, 2013


The native Zulu Household
Of all the sub-Saharan Bantu people, the Zulus are the most well known. They arose in the late 18th century from the hundreds of small clans occupying the northern regions of kwaZulu-Natal on the eastern seaboard of South Africa. There was always a struggle between the clans for grazing rights and conflict was commonplace but took the form of shouted insults and some weapon throwing. 

This changed with Shaka, an illegitimate son of a local chief, evicted, with his mother from his own clan. Shaka was born in 1787 and grew to be strong and fearless. He changed tactics and developed the short stabbing spear. Conflicts now assumed a deadly nature and Shaka swept all before him. He was contemporaneous with Napoleon and finally conquered a far greater area. The Zulus then came in to contact with the white man and suffered reverses at his hands, firstly with the Voortrekkers and some thirty years later, against the British. At each engagement, their warriors proved to be brave soldiers.

Zulu King
The nation was then broken up and some Zulus assisted both the Boers and the English during the Boer War of 1899 - 1902. Promises of emancipation made to them by the British were not honoured and a growing resentment grew during the years between union (1910) and the advent of the Afrikaner Nationalists in 1948.

After secession from the Commonwealth in 1960, the Zulus joined with other black groups in the struggle against apartheid until the first democratic elections in 1994.

The language of the Zulu people is "isiZulu", a Bantu language; more specifically, part of the Nguni subgroup. Zulu is the most widely spoken language in South Africa, where it is an official language. More than half of the South African population are able to understand it, with over 9 million first-language and over 15 million second-language speakers. Many Zulu people also speak AfrikaansEnglishPortugueseXitsongaSesotho and others from among South Africa's 11 official languages.
A Zulu Warrior in his War Gear
Zulus wear a variety of attire, both traditional for ceremonial or culturally celebratory occasions, and modern westernised clothing for everyday use. The women on the other hand dress differently depending on whether they are single, engaged, or married. An unmarried woman who is still eligible is proud of her body and is not ashamed of showing it. She only wears a short skirt made of grass or beaded cotton strings and spruces herself up with lots of beadwork. An engaged woman will let her traditionally short hair grow. She will cover her bosom with a decorative cloth which is done out of respect for her future relatives and to indicate that she has been spoken for. The married woman covers her body completely signalling to other men that she is taken.

Virgin girls on parade at the Reed Dance Festival
Experience a captivating performance when you attend the Royal Reed Dance Festival in Zululand. Once a year in early September thousands of people attend the Reed Dance festival at the KwaNyokeni Palace in Nongoma which is a vibrant celebration of Zululand’s traditional culture and rich heritage. The four day event takes its name from the reeds gathered from the river beds and carried by more than 10 000 invited virgin girls to the King’s Palace. The scenic route to the festival takes you along the breathtaking lush sugar-cane belts of Durban’s North Coast, through the abounding wildlife reserves of Zululand and finally into the undulating hills and valleys silently speaking to your soul with its natural beauty.

The royal reed dance festival in Zululand illustrates the proud heritage of the Zulu nation and plays a huge part in the unification of the nation’s people and the king. To ensure ritual purity, only virgin girls are permitted to partake in the ceremony. There are many myths surrounding the festival, one is that if a girl is not pure her reed will break when presenting it to the King, publicly disgracing her and her community.

Maidens at the Reed Dance Festival
It is a distinguished honour for the girls to represent their respective families and communities throughout the KwaZulu Natal Province and is a colourful and mesmerising event. Each area’s distinctive crafts are reflected by the stunning traditional beadwork and clothing the girls are adorned in. When you attend the Royal Reed Dance Festival in Zululand you will not only encounter a dignified traditional ritual, but at the same time revel in the energetic dazzling display of the girl’s singing and dancing talents.

The procession of girls, each carrying a reed, is led by a chief princess as well as a female sibling of the Zulu King as they proceed to the Royal Palace where the king and his regiment awaits them. A reed to mark the opening of the celebration is laid before the King by the chief princess and she is also the first one to choose a reed. It is a momentous occasion as the girls line up before the King to choose a reed and a dramatic silence hangs in the air to see whether a reed will break as each one takes a turn. The proceedings are followed by jubilant singing and dancing and to express his gratitude the King responds by performing a sacrifice to the royal ancestors on behalf of the young women and their communities. Attending the Royal Reed Dance Festival in Zululand is definitely an event not to be missed.

RECOMMENDED ITINERARY                                          
Day 1: 
Maidens participating in the Reed Dance Event
Depart from the City of Durban along the picturesque KwaZulu Natal North Coast to Zululand. Explore the spectacular indigenous forest at Dlinza Forest Aerial Boardwalk which nestles within an urban setting. On the same route visit the Zululand Historical Museum at Fort Nongqayi and the Vukani Zulu art collection. Enjoy a light lunch at Adams Outpost and thereafter visit Martyr’s Cross not only for its historical interest but for the awesome uninterrupted views of the coastline. End the day by having dinner at Lake St Lucia abroad a float.

Day 2: 
Visit a Zulu cultural village to experience their way of life or stand in awe at the skill displayed by the spear throwers at a traditional homestead. Enjoy lunch at Eshowe whilst taking delight in the vibrant dancing and signing of the local people. Spend a night in St Lucia village where you can feast on delectable South African cuisine at a local venue.

Day 3: 
Cruise on Lake St Lucia, a wonderful ecological treasure, view the abounding wild and birdlife. The lake is home to the majestic Nile crocodile and large numbers of hippo. Relax and take in the tranquil surroundings whilst the fish eagles’ haunting cries reminds you of their presence.


Acknowledgement: WikipediaZulu Culture and Durban Direct
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